Agastyarkoodam Trekking- Adventure Tourism in India

Visit Passes for Agastyaarkoodam Trekking can be applied from 8th of this month. From August 14 to February 18, Agasathiyadarka trekking takes place.

Only a maximum of 100 people are admitted per day. Visa passes can be applied for online or through the Akshaya Center. The official website of the Forest Department is www.forest.kerala. Tickets can be booked by going to or The booking facility will be available on January 8 from 11am, officials said.

Those who book tickets at Akshaya Kendras need to bring along with them a copy of the identification card with photo of them and their team members. The online application must include the identity card number of the participants.

Only a maximum of 10 people can be included in a single ticket. Tickets cost $ 1,100 per person. When booking through Akshaya Kendra, you have to pay an additional Rs 50 per ticket for up to five and Rs 70 per ticket for up to ten.

Only those with good fitness can participate in the trek. There is no special treatment for women. Children under the age of 14 cannot apply. Visitors should arrive at the Forest Picket Station at Bonakadu with a copy of the ticket printout and the photo copy and identification card. Anyone including a ticket must sign an affidavit with the printout of the ticket. A guide for each group of 10 people will be provided.

Visitors are strictly prohibited from carrying pooja, plastic, alcohol and other intoxicating substances. No smoking or cooking inside the forest is permitted. For the convenience of the visitors, the eco-development committee under the Forest Department will operate the canteens 24 hours a day for the convenience of the visitors. For more information, contact the Thiruvananthapuram Wildlife Warden's office at PTP Nagar.
Phone - 0471 2360762


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