Volcanic eruptions in the sea: Mysterious sound like thunder all over the world.

Volcanic eruptions in the sea: Mysterious sound like thunder all over the world.

A volcano has been discovered in the sea. Scientists who are searching for where the mysterious sound from across the globe is now are stunned.
The events began in 2018. Some seismic signals began to appear at regular intervals in seismic stations installed around the world. This signal was first received in May and June of that year. The signal was accompanied by a sound that sounded like a special moan or moans. In November of that year, the signal appeared in many places. In some cases, the sound of rumblings lasted about 20 minutes. Researchers scanned the area to find out. The main concern was whether there were any underground changes. Finally, the researchers discovered that the sound of a new volcano erupting beneath the sea was heard as signals and whistles.

The search began on Mayatei, an island in the Indian Ocean. Mayati is part of the Comoros archipelago between Africa and Madagascar. The region is notorious for earthquakes. Due to changes in the tectonic plates underground, up to 7,000 quakes have been recorded. The magnitude of the quake was only for the study area. These earthquakes occur when tectonic plates are trapped when moving one over another. The tremors are the pressure that helps them move forward.

The most powerful earthquake was recorded in May 2018, with a magnitude of 5.9 on the Richter scale. Over the course of the study, 407 long-range signals were also found underground. It was called the Very Long Period or VLP Signals. These signals are, to a lesser extent, without significant fluctuations. These signals last for 20-30 minutes and can be felt for miles. The magnitude of the quake and the signals were about 22 miles off the east coast of Mayati Island. In addition, researchers have identified underground magma activity in the area.

The investigation was intensified. No seismic equipment was placed in this part of the sea for the trouble of researchers. But the surface of the island was found to be 7 inches lower. Changes to the island's surface over the course of a year were monitored by specialized equipment. It also found that magma arises from a reservoir in the mantle layer 18 miles below the Earth's surface. An underwater channel was also created to travel through it. Upon further inspection, it was discovered that a volcano had formed in the area.

At this point, the earthquakes are sharply reduced, and the surface of Mayoti Island collapses. The VLP signals followed suit. Researchers say that this is indicative of the collapse of magma chambers. The Upper Mantle is thought to be the largest magma chamber ever discovered in the world. This is the deepest. Magma is flowing out of this. The world had its tides, but Mayotide Island was noisy. There are about 2.6 lakh people living here.


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